For more information, contact us at (905) 728-1020 or
Phone Schedule – March
For more information, contact us at (905) 728-1020 or
New Meeting – The Little Meeting That Could Big Book Study
Sundays 12:15pm – 1:30pm – Alano Club
Intergroup Contributions
E-transfer for contributions to Intergroup:
Letter from General Service Office (GSO) re: 7th Trad & COVID-19
Please find attached a letter from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous. The letter stresses the importance of continuing to give in the spirit of our 7th Tradition during the time of COVID-19. It also includes a link to a video on the subject.
Our 7th Tradition states:
Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
Locally-Hosted, Online AA Meetings
To see which meetings within the Lakeshore Intergroup are hosting online meetings, Please select “Online Meeting” from teh meeting type on our listing page – or you can see the filtered list here.
Important!! Some groups have experienced security breaches on their Zoom meetings. We offer a few security suggestions. See our post.
Area 83: Suggested Best Practices for Online Meetings
Kimberley, the alternate delegate for Area 83, has assembled the following PDFs that provide suggestions on handling online meetings and digital 7th traditions.
Important Zoom Meeting Security Info!
Note: Area 83 has provided a series of PDF documents that outline best practices for online meetings, their security, and how to handle digital 7th traditions. See those documents here.
As groups use Zoom for online meetings, some are experiencing security breaches. These breaches can include spam and pornography flooding meetings in progress.
The Lakeshore Intergroup reminds each group that they are responsible for the security of their own Zoom meetings. Many online resources guide users in how to tighten Zoom security.
We suggest the following:
- Enable password protection on your Zoom meeting.
- Distribute the password only to people you want to have it.
- Avoid publishing your meeting password online or on social media.
- If you have an online meeting on the Lakeshore Intergroup website, and you have asked us to include the password, we suggest you request that we remove it. We will not proactively remove the password as it is the group’s decision. Provide us with a phone number or email address to add to the online meeting page that people can use to get the password from you.
We appreciate your diligence in this matter!
Your in sobriety,
Lakeshore Intergroup of AA
Important! Current Phone Schedule in Effect!
Important note! The current phone schedules are still in effect. Groups need to honour their commitment or make arrangements with the Intergroup office by calling (905) 728-1020.
By 4 PM on your scheduled day, please have a member of your group contact Intergroup at (905) 728-1020. This allows Gerry, our Intergroup office manager, to know the phone # to which she’ll forward the calls.
If your group is scheduled on the phones, the Intergroup office manager will forward the phone line at 6 PM on your scheduled evening, overnight, until 9 AM the following morning.
Thank you all in advance for your continued support.
Yours in Service,
Deb F.
Intergroup Chairperson
Letter from General Service Office (GSO) re: COVID-19
Please find attached a letter responding to COVID-19 from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous. In it, they offer suggestions to members and groups rooted in our collective AA experience.
Online Meetings and AA-Related Apps & Tapes
Note: For a list of locally-hosted online AA meetings, see this post.
The following list provides links to meetings, recordings of speakers, online copies of the Big Book, and other resources.
- Directory of online meetings:
- Note: Some meetings require the Zoom app to work. You can find download information here (it’s free and safe!):
- Websites with recordings of AA speakers:
- Apps with recordings of AA speakers:
- AA Audio Companion:
- AA Big Book Ultimate Companion:
- AA Speaker Tapes:
- AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps:
- AA Speakers:
- AA Speakers – Best of 2007:
- AA Speakers – Bill W.:
- Daily AA Speakers:
- Daily Bread AA:
- Joe & Charlie:
- Speaker Tapes from Sandy B.: